NRB 354
电话: 406-496-4796


Her research interests include flow modeling, data analytics, accreditation 和 program assessment. She received her PhD in 石油工程 from the New Mexico Institute of Mining 和 Technology, her MA in Applied Mathematics from The University of New Mexico 和 is ABD towards a PhD in Mathematics from Montana State University.


  1. 数值pd
  2. 低渗透流体
  3. 石油数据分析和机器学习
  4. 气候变化和封存


  1. 评估和教学改进
  2. STEM领域的多样性


  • Assistant Professor, 石油工程, Montana Tech, 2008-present
  • Assistant Professor, 石油工程, UTPB, 2006-2008
  • RA/Post-Doc/ Researcher, Petroleum Recovery Research Center, 2001-2006
  • 1996-2003年,南京师范大学数学学院


石油工程师数据建模, 数据科学, 石油计算机基础实验室, 储层和岩石性质实验室, 岩石属性, 油藏工程, 先进油藏工程, 流体力学, 先进的模拟.


  1. 斯坦伯格,年代.a、a、B.Schaffer, S. 和 韦伯,年代.M.: “Finite Difference Methods for Modeling Porous Media Flows,” in 多孔介质中的输运, v 17 (1994) p. 171-200.
  2. 鲍尔奇R. S.,阮,T.韦斯,W. W., 韦伯,年代.M.: “Simulated Expert Interpretation of Regional Data to Predict Drilling Risk,” paper SPE 84067 presented at the 2003 SPE Annual Technical Conference 和 Exhibit, 丹佛, 10月4 - 8.
  3. 鲍尔奇R. S.,阮,T., 施克拉德, S. M.: “Drilling Risk Reduction with a Fuzzy Expert Exploration Tool,美国石油地质学家协会, 西南区年会, 埃尔帕索, 3月8日至9日, 2004.
  4. 阮T.巴尔奇,R.S., 施克拉德,年代.M.:“模糊专家探索工具,” Sixth IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems 和 Control, 火奴鲁鲁, 即将于8月23日至25日, 2004.
  5. 施克拉德,年代.M.: “A New Method of Recoverable Reserves Estimation Using an Expert System,” presented at the 2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference International Student Paper Contest, 休斯顿, 9月26日.
  6. 施克拉德,年代.M.巴尔奇,R.S.邦内尔,D.: “Where Will The Next Generation of Petroleum Engineers Come From? 来自德克萨斯州石油小镇的令人不安的观察.” presented at the 2007 SPE Annual Technical Conference 和 Exhibit, Anaheim, November 11-14.
  7. 施克拉德,年代.M.巴尔奇,R.S.,阮,T.: Underst和ing Neural Networks 和 their Applications in 石油工程.” presented at the 2008 Southwestern Petroleum Short Course, Lubbock, April 23-24.
  8. 施克拉德,年代.M.巴尔奇,R.S.,阮,T.: The Fuzzy Expert Exploration Tool for the Delaware Basin, Development, Testing 和 Application, in 专家系统与应用, 2008, doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2008.08.004   
  9. 施克拉德,年代.M以赛亚有雅各.O.:” Performing Reservoir Simulation with Neural Network Enhanced Data.” presented at the 2012 SPE Digital Energy Conference 和 Exhibition, 休斯顿, March 5-7.
  10. 施克拉德,年代.M., 能源部,C., 和博格勒, S, “Investigating the Connections Between Oil 和 Gas Industry Affiliation 和 Climate Change Concerns”, 在德雷克, J.,康塔,Y.和Rife, G.: New Trends in Earth-Science Outreach 和 Engagement,斯普林格出版社,2014.
  11. 理查兹,年代., 施克拉德,年代.M.施克拉德, R.埃罗,B., “Improved Methods of Measuring Proppant Conductivity.” presented at the 2019 SPE Western Regional Meeting, San Jose, April 23-26.
  12. 施克拉德,年代.M., “An Extended Model for Fluid Flow in Low Permeability Media”, 在2021年InterPore会议上发表, 柏林, 5月21日至6月4日.


My outside interest include spending time with family, violin, weight training 和 skiing.